Sent Interim Payment Certificate to MIUR regarding the III semester of I-AMICA

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SAL3 (Interim Payment Certificate, 3rd semester) of the I-AMICA project has been declared “closed” and presented to MIUR on Friday August 9th), in compliance with the PON regulations..

SAL3 2013

Relazione Tecnica SAL3

The Technical Brief, made up of 92 pages, describes the following topics: project Objectives; Implementation: Upgrade, Training, Implementation; Analysis of differences compared to the financed project; Results and Update of the physical program . It also encloses an Appendix made up of 12 technical attachments regarding the I-AMICA activities connected with the 3rd semester.

In the accounting phase, many documents have been presented and the Legal Representatives of the Actuators have produced for this SAL: more than 2,000 files and around 300 digitally signed files.

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