I-AMICA Observatories and CLIMA: snowfalls on the Salento

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The climate system is very complex with many interactions between the atmosphere, the ocean, the soil, and the concentrations of pollutants in the atmosphere.

The climate is evolving on large scale at global level and this also leads to variations at smaller spatial and temporal scales even with presence of extreme events. It is useful to have Climate Observatories deployed in different locations to monitor the evolution in time of the main environmental and climatic parameters.

For this reason the climate observatories I-GIRLFRIEND of Lecce, Lamezia Terme, Monte Curcio and Capo Granitola work and operate continuously with their measures and monitoring of atmospheric composition and meteorological parameters.

This will allow more reliable estimates of future scenarios and helps in understanding local events such as the heavy snowfalls on the Salento happened at the beginning of 2017 as explains Daniele Contini, head of Isac CNR in Lecce, interviewed by Tagadà broadcast on La7.

Link youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xhuHDMCXWfE&t=29s

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