=== Plugin Name === Contributors: lizeipe Donate link: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=W884YAWEDPA9U Tags: RSS Feed,News Feed,Feed Parser,Display RSS,RSS Reader Requires at least: 2.0.2 Tested up to: 4.8.2 Stable tag: 4.3 This plugin helps to display RSS Feeds from other websites in your website (post, pages, sidebars or footer). I have created this extension to read contents of RSS/news feeds and display them on your webpage.You also display your rss feeds in the lightbox as well. == Description == Do you want to display RSS Feeds from other websites into your website? I have created this plugin to meet your needs. This help in getting your site automatically updated in line with the other website. This extension helps to read contents of RSS/news feeds and display them on your webpage.You just need to insert the feed URLs of the relevant websites on the webpage where you want to display them after you install this plugin. This plugin support .xml and .rss feeds. This plugin is very easy to install. Main steps include: - Install and activate the plugin - Enter the shortcode or widget where you want to display the feeds (post, page, sidebars or footer) - Can display multiple rss feeds in a single page Please click here to see detailed instructions and live demo. You can also display RSS feeds in the lightbox as well. Additional Features: - Show / Hide heading - Show / Hide title, creation date and description - Show / Hide thumbnails - Hyperlink / Unlink the title - Enable/disable pagination - Show / Hide ‘read more’ link It is possible to customise the display features to sync with the look and feel of your website. The customisation features include: - can set the height and width of News/RSS display - can set border colour, background colour and border width to the content area - can set heading font size and colour - can set title font size and colour - can set description font size and colour - can set read more font size and colour - can set creation date font size and colour == Installation == 1. Download the zip file . 2. Login to wordpress admin area. 3. select plugin -> add new 4. select `upload` from top menu on the page. 5. click `browse` and select the zip file. 6. click 'install now' 7. click `activate the plugin` 8. Go to the webpage where you want to display the RSS Feed/News Feed and enter `[pearl_rss_feed_parser_display rss_url= full_rss_url]` == Frequently Asked Questions == = Can I change customise the news feed to match with my website? = Yes you can customise it from the backend. = Can I display news feed from two websites in one webpage? = Yes it is possible .You should include the plugin shortcode two times as shown below. [pearl_rss_feed_parser_display rss_url= full_rss_url1] [pearl_rss_feed_parser_display rss_url= full_rss_url2] = Can I display news feed in lightbox? = Yes it is possible .You should include the plugin shortcode as shown below. [pearl_rss_feed_parser_display rss_url= full_rss_url1 lightbox='yes'] == Screenshots == 1. This screen shot description corresponds to screenshot-1.(png|jpg|jpeg|gif). Note that the screenshot is taken from the directory of the stable readme.txt, so in this case, `/tags/4.3/screenshot-1.png` (or jpg, jpeg, gif) 2. This is the second screen shot == Changelog == = 5.0 = * Tested 4.8.2 = 4.0 = * Tested 4.2.2 = 3.0 = * Changed the file structure = 2.0 = * Second Release = 1.0 = * Initial Release == Upgrade Notice == = 1.0 = Upgrade notices describe the reason a user should upgrade. No more than 300 characters. = 0.5 = This version fixes a security related bug. Upgrade immediately.