European Aerosol Conference: I-AMICA Natural influence on PM10 aerosol

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PRAGA 1 settembre 2013 – Presentata nell’ambito della European Aerosol Conference, l’attività di I-AMICA inerente Natural influence on PM10 aerosol“.

La Laureline Bourcier, dell’ISAC-CNR, ha presentato Natural influence on PM10 aerosol che, nell’ambito della tematica  atmosfera e clima di I-AMICA,  sviluppa, sulla base dell’attività osservativa e di modellistica, una metodologia globale volta a quantificare l’influenza degli aerosol emessi da fonti naturali sul particolato atmosferico, in termini di effetti diretti e indiretti sul clima e sulla qualità dell’aria sulle Regioni della Convergenza e sull’Italia meridionale, considerando che queste regioni sono fortemente influenzate da simili emissioni, prime tra  tutte il trasporto di polvere dal deserto del Sahara e lo spry marino.

I-AMICA European Aerosol Conference 2013

I-AMICA: Infrastructure of high technology for environmental and climate monitoring in southern Italy

In the frame of I-AMICA, and in particular in the atmospheric and climatic task based on observational datasets and modeling activities, the project provides a comprehensive methodology aimed at quantifying the influence of natural aerosols on particulate matter in terms of direct and indirect effects on climate and air quality in Southern Italy. Air quality in these regions is strongly influenced by natural sources, especially dust transport from Saharan desert.

In the general context of I-AMICA, the project is devoted to increase the knowledge concerning the Mediterranean Basin and promote innovation, technology development and industrial transfer in the Convergence Regions. In particular in the atmospheric field, the combination of experimental and modeled data  concerning climate and atmospheric composition will permit to improve the prediction in order to provide useful information to policymakers.

 PosterI-AMICA EAC2013

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